So, after releasing gPodder 0.10.0, which has now only one strict dependency on a pure Python module (feedparser), I wanted to try out if I could get gPodder running on Windows (I have tried it once before, but back then I was spawning a wget process to do the actual downloading, which was kind of awkward on the Windows platform).
What you need to get this working is Alberto Ruiz' All-in-one PyGTK Win32 installer and a check-out of the current SVN trunk head of gPodder. To check out a working copy from a Subversion repository on Win32, you can use TortoiseSVN.

I've found some divide-by-zero errors that I didn't see happening on Linux, so I could quickly fix them in our Subversion repository. I also got rid of some old symlinking code that I didn't use anymore, because symlinks on Windows isn't really possible (except for Vista maybe). Other than that, there were just some minor problems with my code being Unix/X11-specific, for example I'm checking for the $DISPLAY variable in the main script, which isn't needed on Win32.
There were other minor annoyances which I haven't dealt with yet, but which don't interfere with the basic functionality of gPodder:
- Running .mp3 or .avi files with the preferred media player (how do I do that on Win32?)
- Getting a GTK Icon Theme into my GTK installation, so all icons in gPodder display properly
- Removing the GUI for iPod synchronization (or get libgpod + Python bindings working on Win32)
- Testing, testing testing :)
To answer your question: "How do I get an .mp3 or .avi to start with the associated app?", the most straightforward answer is: use os.startfile (or its under-the-covers equivalent ShellExecute).
If you want a little more control, you can determine which app. that would use by using the FindExecutable API:
I *believe* (tho' I haven't used it) that the desktop module:
covers this kind of thing x-platform.
Hi. I am really glad to see PyGTK applications on Windows. I use them a lot, and usually without problem.
About the question of using py2exe to make executable environments, I blogged this at:
I did a python podcast retriever, orm, which is on berlios. I haven't touched it for a while, but there might be some stuff to use from it ... there was a start of a curses gui :)
I have been making stand-alone exes with pygtk for a couple of years. It is not complicated. All you have to do really is copy the whole \bin \lib \share directories into your project folder and to have a line in your python script before the import gtk that does
import os
to point to the correct path.
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