Sunday, July 22, 2007

The broken Canon Digital IXUS 60

Yesterday evening, my Canon Digital IXUS 60 camera's lens got stuck, and so the camera stopped working altogether. Luckily, I was able to copy all pictures from the camera with a simple pnm-fetch, so at least the photos, videos and audio files (yeah, I tried that the first time yesterday ;) are safe. The error message (in German) was "Objektivfehler:Kamerarestart", an error which is famously known as the "E18 error".

Thanks to my sister, I can now try out her Casio Exilim EX-S770, which looks really slick and is thinner than the Digital IXUS 60. Now that I am very disappointed with the Canon brand cameras, I can try out how good the Casio is. I'll bring the IXUS back to the shop where I bought it in September 2006, and hopefully they will be able to fix it.

After some fiddling, I can get the IXUS to open the lens a bit and make photos, but they are badly unfocused, as you can see in this picture:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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